FCS Internal Resources Site

Sharepoint and Wordpress Combination

Transforming Extension Agent Resources in Tennessee

The FCS Internal Resources Site stands as a cornerstone project, meticulously designed to empower Extension Agents across Tennessee’s 96 counties. This digital repository is the nexus of research-based program information, training resources, marketing tools, and much more, aimed at enhancing the delivery and impact of programming statewide. Enclosed within a secure, password-protected environment, the site offers an unparalleled wealth of resources tailored to meet the diverse needs of Extension Agents.

Leadership and Innovation

Strategic Leadership and Vision

Spearheaded project development from concept to live deployment, ensuring a seamless and effective execution.

Implemented strategic creative direction, guiding the project’s aesthetic and functional narrative.

Creative and Design Mastery

Directed the artistry of branding, design, and content, crafting a visually engaging and cohesive user experience.

Managed a talented team of creatives, fostering collaboration and excellence.

Funding and Quality Assurance

Oversaw the allocation of creative funding, optimizing resources for maximum impact.

Upheld the highest standards of project quality, ensuring every detail met or exceeded expectations.

Collaboration and Communication

Engaged in proactive communication with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, from internal teams to external partners and leadership.

Orchestrated the project scope and reporting, maintaining clarity and alignment with objectives.

Digital Innovation and Marketing

Drove forward-thinking web development, UI/UX design, and SEO strategies to enhance site accessibility and user engagement.

Curated custom content management solutions, technical consulting, and social media marketing efforts to elevate the project’s reach and efficacy.

Content and Asset Stewardship

Conducted comprehensive audits of program information and faculty specialties, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

Revolutionized content creation, employing graphic design, photography, and research to enrich the site’s resource pool.

Managed extensive document and asset libraries, streamlining access and usability.

Project Management Excellence

Utilized Trello for project management, navigating the project’s complexities with agility and precision.

Emerged as the UI/UX and content strategy specialist, leading the team with expertise and vision.

The FCS Internal Resources Site project was not just a testament to digital resource management but a reflection of my comprehensive role in steering a project of this magnitude. From strategic oversight to hands-on content creation and technical innovation, my contribution was pivotal in transforming how Extension Agents access and utilize vital resources across Tennessee.

Recent Projects

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2021: A Year of Achievement for the UT Extension FCS Creative Content Team
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Jennifer Jordan’s Website and Marketing Strategy
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University of Tennessee Extension Strategic Implementation Committee
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Self Health Website
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