Category: Technology & Ethics

SEO for Public Websites and Intranets: Enhancing Internal Communications with SEO Principles

Effective internal communications foster collaboration, engagement, and productivity within organizations, particularly large institutions like universities. With the SEO Specialization I gained during my sabbatical, I'm now delving into the world…

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ChatGPT: Helping Students Achieve Learning Objectives Without Plagiarism

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence program that can generate text based on inputted prompts or questions. Like a calculator for language, it can handle complex language queries and provide instant…

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Balancing Tech and Humanity in the Workplace

The Key to Success in the Digital Age Balancing technology and humanity in the workplace is key to success in the digital age. Technology has (once again) revolutionized how we…

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Key Factors for Success in Creative Content: Sharing Info, Building Trust, Motivating Others

The Importance of Sharing Information, Building Trust, and Motivating Others in the World of Creative Content As creative content creators, we aim to produce engaging and innovative materials that capture…

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23 Tips to Boost SEO

In honor of the new year (2023), here are 23 SEO tips that you can implement right now to improve your website's search engine optimization: 1. Conduct a Technical SEO…

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Technical SEO Audit: Identifying and Resolving Issues

A technical SEO audit examines your website's technical features to ensure they are set up in a way that helps search engines understand and index your content. It helps identify any technical…

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Social Bookmarking: The Key to More Traffic and Higher Rankings

Social bookmarking is a way for people to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages. By incorporating social bookmarking into your SEO strategy, you can drive traffic to…

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Growing Concern Over Chat GPT and AI Replacing Professionals

Will algorithmic artificial intelligence (AI) make the human workforce unnecessary or add value? The Human Element As AI technology advances, there is growing concern about the potential for Chat GPT…

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